Upcoming 2025 EventsSat. May 3rd: Twin Towers Work Day Sun. May 11th: Red Fox Equestrian Mini Trial Sun. June 8th: Splash of Class Mini Trial Sun. June 29: MVEA Mini Trial Sat. July 26: Serenity Valley Derby Sun. July 27: MVEA Schooling Day at Twin Towers Park FOR FULL CALENDAR AND DETAILS CLICK THE BUTTON BELOW: |
Welcome!MVEA is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit organization dedicated to promoting the equestrian sport of Eventing and other equine activities in the Miami Valley.
Membership and participation in the MVEA helps to maintain green space and provide opportunities for equestrian activities at our local venues. We host several events throughout the year including schooling shows, clinics, and a year end awards banquet. Our events are open to the public, as we aim to generate interest and a sense of camaraderie in our community. MVEA members receive discounted rates for participation in our clinics, and can be eligible for year end awards and scholarships.
Invite your family and friends to experience the joy of equestrianism! Volunteering is always appreciated, and horse experience is not required to participate. Please explore this website to learn about what MVEA has to offer, and don't hesitate to reach out and get involved! We continue to work with Greene County on improving and maintaining Twin Towers Horse Park in Fairborn, Ohio. This ongoing project includes upgrading existing structures, jumps, and footing in all areas of the park accessible to horses. Our goal is to ensure this wonderful venue can be utilized to its full potential for years to come. You can learn more about Twin Towers Park by clicking the link below for the website. https://www.gcparkstrails.com/parks/twin-towers-park/ How You Can Help
By becoming a member, volunteering, or contributing to MVEA, you help support Twin Towers Park and the Equestrian sport in our community. MVEA utilizes donations from private individuals, businesses and organizations to help forward our mission of preserving green spaces and promoting equestrian sport. All donations are tax deductible Join or Renew Your 2025 MVEA Membership:
Volunteer with MVEA
MVEA is so appreciative of our volunteers, and we are always open to the support of enthusiastic individuals to serve on our committees, help put on events, and reach out to the community. Cross Country Jump Fund & Jayne's Jump Field
MVEA continues to work with licensed course designers and builders to develop plans for the park with the Miami Valley equestrian community in mind. Great strides have been made already - new jumps have been built and installed, and new water and bank complexes have been constructed! In memory of Jayne Whitton, a valued member of our community, MVEA has designated a portion of the jump field at Twin Towers as Jayne's Jump Field. Your support will help MVEA build new jumps for this area that will be utilized for schooling and competitions. Learn more about this endeavor at the link below. General Fund Donations to the MVEA General Fund are utilized along with the membership fees toward operating expenses such as member packets and other official needs as designated by the MVEA Board. |
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