MVEA is able to provide services to our equestrian community thanks in large part to donations and sponsorships. In return for your support, MVEA offers advertising via social media, our website, and outreach to our members. All donations are 100% tax deductible and are used in their entirety towards your selected fund. Please download the forms for more information.
Fund Donations: Donate any amount towards building the next jump in the Cross Country course design, or towards MVEA's general efforts to promote our sport! When submitting your donation, please designate whether funds should go to the General Fund or the Jump Fund. Donations to Jayne's Jump Field will be specified inside the Jump Fund. Facebook is the preferred Online method as no fees are deducted from your donation.
Jayne's Jump Field The MVEA has created “Jaynes Jump Field” in loving memory of Jayne Whitton, an active member of MVEA and USEA Area 8.
The purpose of your donation is to provide a field of jumps that will be located in the area of Twin Towers Park near the small bank complex. These new jumps will be suitable for all Levels of Eventing and portable, and will be utilized for schooling and competitions held at Twin Towers Park.
Always kind, positive, giving a word of encouragement with perspective when it was most needed. Dependable, available to happily jump in and lend a hand whenever needed. A passionate and generous horsewoman and trustworthy uplifting friend. A part of our beloved core community, gone but forever in our hearts. Godspeed Jayne, we love you!
Jump Sponsorship: The Cross Country committee along with the MVEA Board of Directors have worked closely with USEA Course Designer Cathy Weischhoff, and Designer and Builder Jon Wells to create a comprehensive improvement plan for a first class cross country course at Twin Towers Horse Park. Your contribution will help us to continue this endeavor.