The MVEA will award two $250 scholarships each year, one Senior and one Junior, for use towards any MVEA associated activity held at Twin Towers Horse Park OR toward the costs involved in training to become a USEA judge or course designer. Use of the scholarship for other educational purposes would require board approval.
To qualify for scholarship, applicants must meet the following criteria: *Current MVEA Officers and members of the MVEA Board of Directors are not eligible to apply.
Be a current MVEA member in good standing.
Complete a minimum of 16 hours of MVEA-related volunteer work during the application year, to include at least 8hrs at Twin Towers Park activities presented by MVEA such as work days, clinics, and shows. Hours must be recorded and signed off by the volunteer coordinator, and entered here:
Write a short essay summarizing how the scholarship would be used, and submit with the application.
Submit an application and essay by November 1.
Must not have won the scholarship in the previous 2 years.
Scholarship winners will be obliged to the following:
Maintain membership and complete 16 hours of additional MVEA-related volunteer work after the scholarship has been awarded.
Submit receipt(s) showing what the scholarship was used for.
Upon completion of the scholarship, submit a short essay describing how the scholarship was utilized, AND summarize volunteering completed throughout the year, to include pictures and stories about the time you spent helping to improve Twin Towers Park. This essay will be published on the MVEA website.
Click for more information and file downloads, or submit your application electronically below.